Who we are

We are a group of friends (“a Chavurah”) in Amsterdam. We organise activities, publish a monthly newsletter, and have private Facebook and WhatsApp groups where we continue the conversation.

In more detail:

Word cloud about Chavurah Ruach Shalom with a map of the Netherlands asl background


We are guided by our commitment to being an inclusive, largely lay-led, egalitarian Jewish community, as well as to building a more compassionate world for everyone.

Chavurah Ruach Shalom is a vibrant, diverse, participatory Jewish group of friends for spirituality, study, community, and tikkun olam.

We explore our Jewish roots and traditions, and are a platform for intellectual and spiritual growth, an extended family to celebrate holidays and life cycle events with. 

We express this through rituals and activities that provide an entrance into the Jewish experience that enriches and inspires us in our lives.

Ruach Shalom is characterized by our respect for core values (such as tikkun olam and inclusivity).

Ruach Shalom logo - it's a colourful tree, possibly with the colours of the rainbow, with strong roots

What is a Chavurah

chavurah (חבורה Hebrew: “fellowship”, plural chavurot) is a small group of like-minded Jews who assemble for the purpose of facilitating Shabbat and holiday prayer services, sharing communal experiences such as lifecycle events, or Jewish learning. Chavurot usually provide autonomous alternatives to established Jewish institutions and Jewish denominations.

Most chavurot place an emphasis on egalitarianism in the broad sense (of which gender egalitarianism is one piece), depending on participation by the entire community rather than top-down leadership.

The concept of a chavurah has ancient roots as far back as the Talmud.

The first modern day chavurah was established in North-America in 1960. Most chavurot had their origins in the North American Jewish counter-cultural trends of the late 1960s and early 1970s. During this period, groups of young rabbis, academics, and political activists founded experimental chavurot for prayer and study, in reaction to what they perceived as an over-institutionalized and unspiritual North American Jewish establishment. 

Challah, apple, honey and lit kiddish candles on a table

Ritual Team

The Ritual Team organizes our services and holiday observances.  The team consists of a rabbi, chazanim, and everyone who partakes in leading services and rituals.  

The Ritual Team works together to plan the full year. The team is creative in designing new rituals, new music, new meaningful ways to share our rich tradition.

Cultural and Community Team

We organize, or support the organization of, the monthly Tisch, walks, and cultural activities. We also publish the monthly newsletter.

various people sitting at a shabbat table

Join Us

Are you interested in joining one of our activities? Click here.